More than medicine
Negative emotions are so rampant. We grow angry,
feel insulted, and build resentment. Slowly but surely, grudges fill our hearts and minds. It requires a tremendous amount
of emotional energy to keep a grudge going. When we nurse and hold onto grudges,
we let bitterness grow within us. Bitterness is like a poison that can impair
us physically, mentally and spiritually.
Another powerful negative emotion is guilt. When guilt about what we’ve done
threaten to overwhelm us, we need to do something to gain a clear conscience.
The apostle Paul stated: “I try with all my strength to always maintain a clear
conscience before God and man” (Acts 24:16).
is a big hindrance to getting a clear conscience. Our pride always tells us
that we are right and others are wrong. But seldom is the case.
Sometimes we belittle
people. We may not recognize their value and worth. At times we show no concern for other people and their
welfare. We may even be party to the exploitation and oppression of the weak. Sometimes, we may be guilty of hatred, ungratefulness, resentment and
so forth.
Whatever negativity has taken hold of us, we need to
ask forgiveness. “If we confess our sins to him, he can be depended on to
forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.” (1John 1:9). God is, in fact,
waiting for us to approach Him. Similarly, whatever wrongs we have committed
against other human beings, we need to ask those persons to forgive us. If we have
caused any material damage, we have to make restitution for the same.
I realize, this may sound frightening or difficult.
But this is necessary in order to cleanse your conscience. It is important to
remember that although God readily forgives us, people may not be so willing.
There may be someone who refuses your apology. If this happens, don’t worry;
simply concentrate on sincerely and prayerfully doing your part. Leave the rest
to the One who can heal all wounds, and melt all hearts. The end result is in
God’s hands, not ours. We only need to do our part and leave the rest to Him.
Holding feelings of hurt and bitterness affects our
spiritual and physical health. The Bible says: stop being mean, bad tempered
and angry. Quarrelling, harsh words, and dislike of others should have no place
in your lives. Instead, be kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving one
another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ (Ephesians
How can we forgive people? When others do things
against us, it is natural to feel offended. We often blame the offender for the
problem. But the more we blame others, the more we build anger and dislike
against them. Before we know it, we get worked up inside and waste a lot of
time and energy.
Our body chemistry often gets upset in that agitated
condition, and we become prone to certain kinds of sickness. We unnecessarily
invite physical stress when we give in to wrong responses to unpleasant
situations. Our muscles, nerves, and body systems are affected. What a price to
pay for anger and bitterness!
As Christians, we know that God watches over the
affairs of His children. Nothing happens to us that He doesn’t know about or
that is out of His control. So what does this mean when we feel offended?
Should we suppress our negative feelings when someone wrongs us? No. If you
suppress such things, they will not go away; they will just find another
outlet, or build up until on one particularly bad day, they explode.
It is much better to try and understand what is
When someone has wronged you, try to find out
whether you have contributed to the problem. If you are in the wrong too, the
way forward is to take the initiative and do your best to rectify the
situation. But let’s assume that you are innocent, that and the other person
has wronged you without provocation. How do you forgive in that situation?
When someone has hurt you, especially if that person
is 100% in the wrong, you have every reason to feel resentment. But what good
will holding anger and bitterness do to you? Such responses only add to the
problem, and could possibly cause you emotional or physical stress. Ultimately,
you lose.
One way out is to view the offender differently.
When we are up in an airplane, even skyscrapers look like matchboxes. The
buildings are still tall, but they look tiny because our perspective has
changed. You can begin to forgive with a similar change of perspective.
Trusting God, you can boldly say that whatever anyone has done against you will
be to your own advantage in the long run.
In this way, you can consider the wrongdoers, a tool
in God’s hand. Just see the person as someone being used by God to bring
blessing on you, even though that individual’s aim may have been to destroy
you. If you believe so, you are ultimately going to be blessed through the
offender’s action. Therefore there is no need to hold anger or bitterness.
With God’s help, you can turn your bitterness into
forgiveness. You can stop being bad-tempered, and angry. You do not know what
good may happen to you as a result of someone’s wrongdoings. But you can
certainly prevent further harm that will flow from nursing resentment. You can
learn how to forgive from the bottom of your heart, how to love the offender,
and even how to show him or her, a little kindness.